in a village lies a continent

裝置/活動 Installation / Event:

2024年3月,圓塱食誌,一間.青年館,香港 | March 2024, On the Plain of Plenty, A Few Moments.Youth Hub, Hong Kong


Explore the people and life in Hong Kong’s Little Africa through food

粉團 | semo

珍珠 | Boba

秋葵湯 | okra soup

小鄉有大洲 | in a village lies a continent

起源及考察 Background and research 



I (and arguably many Hong Kongers) did not know much about Africa, let alone  the African community in Wang Toi Shan, a village area in the rural Kam Tin, Hong Kong, which is vibrant enough to be nicknamed ‘Hong Kong’s Little Africa’. I began my encounter with the Africans in Kam Tin in a container where they hung out and enjoyed food from their home, and found out the majority of the community members were Igbo people from Igboland (currently Nigeria), West Africa. 

Although the enormous differences in background, culture and lifestyle set us apart, food became the pathway for me to acquaint the community. My contacts with them always involve cooking, eating and exchanging knowledge of food. As much as I learnt about the eye-opening Igbo cuisine, I also got to know their perception and adaptation to the food and life in Hong Kong. I was struck by the vast unknown of the African diaspora in Hong Kong and their often underprivileged way of life in the city. 

裝置及活動 Installation and activation



作品當然與我不太認識的伊博人和非洲有關,但也同時在探索錦田和香港 — 一個我稱之為家、理應熟悉的地方。有時,我會把這次體會想象為在自己土生土長的城市中遊歷。

The four-part video-based installation distils my whole encounter with the Igbo diaspora through three dishes and four people. Each of the three dishes — semo, okra soup and boba milk tea — is connected to three Igbo people, namely Stanley, Andy and Joy. Each dish is presented with a video of making the food, a notebook of the recipe, and ingredients for the dish, many of which are rarely seen in the city. The fourth person is Hong Konger Camy, secretary of Hong Kong African Association, whose relationship with the African diaspora and Nigeria dates back to more than 20 years ago.

While watching the videos and reading the notebook-recipes, audiences were also invited to open the jars of the raw ingredients for sensory experience. At weekends, I was on site to cook okra soup, and ‘guided’ the audiences with what I have learnt to make their own semo, the staple that goes with the soup. Audiences could then try the semo and the soup with hands, just like how our Igbo counterparts would. Igbo friends might show up to the weekend activation sometimes, enabling actual exchange between the locals and the Igbo people. 

As much as the project was about Igbo, Nigeria and Africa on which I only had minimal knowledge, it was  also a discovery of the neighbourhood of Kam Tin and Hong Kong — a city I call home — at large. I sometimes think of the whole project as a voyage to an unknown land in my own city.

粉團製作(攝影:陳庭章) | Making semo (photo: Tim Chan)

秋葵湯和粉團試食 | Soup and semo tasting

伊博朋友Andy到場示範 | Demonstration by Andy, an Igbo friend in Kam Tin

後記 Epilogue

錦田的非洲朋友雖然資源有限,生活艱難,但他們同時是我遇過最友善、最慷慨的人。我既為他們的磨艱慨嘆,又被他們的積極與及時行樂所感染。計劃接近尾聲時,我有幸獲他們稱為onye igbo(伊博人)。有朝一日,我也希望到伊博蘭和非洲走走!

In spite of their limited resources and the arduous circumstances they face at times, the Igbo people I met in Kam Tin were some of the friendliest and most generous people I have ever seen. Their hardship has inspired me, as much as by their positive attitude and ability to have fun in any situation. Amiably called an onye igbo by the end of the project, I hope to visit Igboland and Africa one day : )   

多謝 i meela : D

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主辦 Presented by: 

香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Art Development Council

鳴謝 Acknowledgement:

EBOH Manuel Chibuzor

Joy EZINNE Ileagu

駱美清 Camy LOK 

OKEKE Stanley Chigbogu

OUSSOU Augustine 


香港非洲人協會 Hong Kong African Association

翻譯與編輯 Editing & translation:

張慧婷 Stephanie Cheung

李太后 Rita Li