活動 Event:
二零一七年十一月,官塘區後巷,香港 | November 2017, back alleys in Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
A night of back alleys in between the industrial buildings in Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
官塘後巷|A back alley in Kwun Tong
街召宣傳|Promotional bills
Dusk Rat Run is a one-night flash mob happening in the maze-liked back alley network in Kwun Tong industrial area on a Saturday evening. It temporarily transformed the district into an experimental platform. The happening aims to discover the back alleys and unveil the potentials of these spaces.
Location & background
The event covers more than 20 alleys near Hoi Yuen Road in the industrial area in Kwun Tong, the main road that spans from Kwun Tong MTR station all the way to the coast. Between vast and packed industrial buildings, the narrow, interconnected and surprisingly gridded and systematic alleys form the possibly largest back-alley network in Hong Kong. Streets in Kwun Tong are immensely crowded during work hours; these alleys become shortcuts for office workers and residents in Kwun Tong to avoid the crowd.
As part of the ‘revitalisation’ project to transform Kwun Tong into a business district, the government has implemented plans to rectify the back alleys in the district. However, like other rear lanes, debris and stains are still everywhere. At the labyrinth of alleys in industrial area, bills, roll-up banners, car tires, pallets together create a unique urban scene that is rarely seen by non-Kwun Tong locals and neglected by locals. At night, after work hours, the alleys become quiet and render an uncanny atmosphere. The event takes the advantage to intervene the alley network on a Saturday evening.
The back alleys are not as regulated as the main streets. Alleys can be messy, but they are relatively free from control. Unlike the much administered and homogeneous public spaces in Hong Kong, each alley has its distinctive appearance and character. The back alleys as hidden public spaces are unique of Hong Kong. However, they are often disregarded, considered as dangerous and in need of rectification. Dusk Rat Run embraces the unique beauty and freedom of the back alleys; it invites artists and audience to explore the rich qualities of the space.
易拉風景,陳佩玲|Roll-up Landscape, Peggy CHAN
官富牆,何綺雯|Kuan-fu Chang, HO Yee-man, Regina
保鮮一刻的燈光,劉菁兒、鐘肇峰、陳穎思|Preservation of moment, Cathleen LAU Ching-yee, CHUNG Siu-fung, Wings CHAN
!!!,關舒文|!!!, Sharmaine KWAN
Over 30 artists and art groups of diverse media took part in the project. While 7 of them were invited to participate, over 20 were selected from the Open Call for Creative Projects in August to September 2017. All artworks are dedicated to the happening, comprising installations, performances, sculptures, games and walks. While almost all works show the influences of the hybrid environment of back alleys and Kwun Tong, some question about the perception and management of public space in Hong Kong. In addition, there were alternative guided tours designed by the organiser to lead everyone to another experience in the alleys.
The happening challenges the rigid administration of public space by the government in the name of efficiency and public interest. In the happening, it is observed that the tolerance of the public and even the administration (government and private property) are much higher than expected. Although some works were forcefully destroyed by administration of the adjacent buildings, most works were left untouched even in the busier areas, drawing curious gaze of passers-by and even positive interest of some. Performances also saw police passing by with a smile. Audience who came for the event reported that they had discovered a special corner in the city and experienced a rare and more interesting public space. To the artists and everyone involved, the happening was at once rewarding and fun with the back alleys and the flash mob model. Dusk Rat Run brought rare encounters between the artists, audience, non-art-goers and the back alleys.
It is hoped that the happening model and the findings from the event could be valuable references for other public spaces in Hong Kong.
工廠妹萬歲!,黃煒喬|Viva! Factory Girl, Jay WONG Wai-kiu
可見光,五百五十五創作團(何濼聰,袁進女太)|Luminous, 555 Team (Ivy YU Chun-tai & Dave HO Lok-chung)
彌留.紙,顏堅輝|Dying Veluriyum, Joseph NGAN
持續存留,莫亭殷|linger on, fingers off, MOK Ting-yan
鴻圖道舞廳,許穎雯|Hung To Road Disco, Christy HUI
藝們活動網頁 Event page on Altermodernist
參與藝術家簡介 Biographies of participating artists
媒體報導 Media coverage:
經濟日報 Hong Kong Economic Times / 南華早報 South China Morning Post / 立場新聞 Stand News / Time Out Hong Kong
主辦單位 Organiser:
計劃伙伴 Project partner:
藝術家 Artists:
陳佩玲 CHAN Pui-leung, Peggy|卓穎嵐 CHEUK Wing-nam, Wing|何綺雯 HO Yee-man, Regina|倒模 MOLDFLIP|王偉健 WONG Wai-kin, Kenji|楊秀卓 YEUNG Sau-cheuk|葉韋瀚 Samuel YIP|五百五十五 創作團 (何濼聰,袁進女太) 555 Team (HO Lok-chung, Dave & YUEN Chun-tai, Ivy) |陳穎思 Wings CHAN|周姍祐 Intuon CHAU|鄭凱殷 Meko CHENG|趙芝婷 Vera CHIU|鍾肇峰 CHUNG Siu-fung|許穎雯 Christy HUI|含蓄 Humchuk|郭盈秀 KUO Ying-hsiu|關舒文 Sharmaine KWAN|安嘉敏 Lala ON|劉菁兒 LAU Cathleen Ching-yee|李鳳珍 LI Fung-chun|凌中雲 LING Chung-wan, Kevin|呀列 LIT Wing-hung|莫亭殷 MOK Ting-yan|顏堅輝 Joseph NGAN|謝斐 Jaffe.T|譚綽琳 Jessie TAM|王萱 WAN Xuan, Daimao|黃嘉怡 Edith WONG|黃煒喬 WONG Wai-kiu, Jay|楊柳 YANG Liu|余榮基 Wing-kei YU, Rik|鄭天依 ZHENG Tian-yi
聯絡 Coordination:
鄧詠詩 Cindy TANG
地圖設計 Map design:
陸燿均 Mandy LUK|佘汶慧 SE Man-wai
導賞設計 Experience tour design:
劉婉婷 Rita LAU Yuen-ting
攝影 Photography:
章梓恩 Andy CHEUNG Tsz-yan|何展兆 Ramond HO Chin-shiu
錄像 Videography:
林伊彤 Michelle LAM|廖家明 August LIAO Jiaming|鄧詠詩 Cindy TANG
現場協助 On-site support:
陳子健 Stephen CHAN|鄭藹恩 CHENG Oi-yan
宣傳 Promotion:
鐘曉賢 Meko CHUNG Hiu-yin
義工 Volunteers:
陳子健 Stephen CHAN|鄭藹恩 CHENG Oi-yan|章梓恩 Andy CHEUNG Tsz-yan|蔡盈楓 CHOI Ying-fung|鐘曉賢 Meko CHUNG Hiu-yin|鐘美琼 CHUNG Mei-king|何展兆 Ramond HO Chin-shiu|許加欣 Karen HUI Kar-yan|林伊彤 Michelle LAM|劉婉婷 Rita LAU Yuen-ting|廖家明 August LIAO Jiaming|陸燿均 Mandy LUK|吳可盈 Grace NG Ho-ying|佘汶慧 SE Man-wai|袁敏曦 YUEN Man-hei
贊助 Donors:
無名氏 Annoymous|無名氏 Annoymous|無名氏 Annoymous|安嘉敏 Lala ON|譚若蘭 Cordelia TAM|曾敏富 Matthew TSANG Man-fu|黃煒喬 Jay WONG