展覽、表演及講座 Exhibition, performance and talk:
二零一七年六月至七月,非常廟藝文空間,臺灣臺北 | June-July 2017, VT Art Salon, Taipei, Taiwan
An ensemble of works related to the notion of ‘samples’
(圖片:非常廟藝文空間 Photo: VT Art Salon)
計劃聚集,句點藝術群體,多媒體 | ensemble-plan, Floating Projects Collective, multi-media
(圖片:非常廟藝文空間 Photos: VT Art Salon)
事物的秩序,人人檔案,混合媒介、單頻道錄像 | The Order of Things, Archive of the People, mixed-media, single-channel video
(圖片:非常廟藝文空間 Photos: VT Art Salon)
DAY AFTER翌日[2014.9.29-12.12],聲音圖書館,雙聲道聲音裝置 | DAY AFTER翌日[2014.9.29-12.12], THE LIBRARY by soundpocket, 2-channel sound installation (CD)
(圖片:非常廟藝文空間 Photo: VT Art Salon)
水,文美桃,混合媒介(水、玻璃、光、鋁)| Water, Man Mei To, mixed media (water, glass, light, aluminium)
(圖片:非常廟藝文空間 Photo: VT Art Salon)
收藏風景,黃進曦,水彩紙本 | Landscape Collections, Wong Chun Hei Stephen, watercolour on paper
(圖片:非常廟藝文空間 Photo: VT Art Salon)
三點三風情畫,莫頌靈,雙頻錄像裝置 | In Pursuit of a Siesta, Jolene Mok, 2-channel video installation
(圖片:非常廟藝文空間 Photo: VT Art Salon)
楠詩,鄧國騫,水溶噴墨打印、包裹相框的泡沫塑膠、混合媒介、單頻道錄像 | Nancy, Tang Kwok Hin, watering on inkjet paper, foam of wrapping photo frames, mixed media, single-channel video
(圖片:非常廟藝文空間 Photos: VT Art Salon)
動動像 之 武俠片,動動像,表演、錄像 | Moving Moving Images: Wuxia movie, Moving Moving Images, performance & video
(圖片:非常廟藝文空間 Photos: VT Art Salon)
分類/ 積聚/ 結集
展覽中八件作品的「取樣」, 有些明確得像學術研究,有些實質得像日常生活的收集、分類,也有些是出於興趣、好奇、情感、慾望 — 或者包含以上所有。藝術家以現成樣本為創作材料,在創作過程中建立樣本,以製作資料庫為創作概念,又或是借資料庫的形成展示作品等。此時,藝術家的工作是記錄、篩選、分類、整理、歸納…… 相擬於研究員、檔案員。但「存檔」並非主要目的;<類聚集>的藝術家,通過整理、編排、展示「樣本」,達到創作上的需要。這些作品的樣本和取樣過程,同樣重要。
<類聚集>一名,意味其組成:當中每件作品,都將同「類」「聚」結,而<類聚集>本身,又「聚集」了這類作品。 故此,和內裏每件作品一樣,<類聚集>亦可視之為一個由眾多「樣本」結集而成的「檔案」。這除了是當下香港(藝術)的紀錄外,還可以是甚麼?
<類聚集>中,區分「策展人」和「 藝術家」的,或只是崗位和牽涉工作之別。兩者所求,別無二致。
<類聚集>為第三屆非常徵件VT Open Call的獲選作品。
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Categorise / Accumulate / Gather
Exploring the subject of ‘samples’, ‘ensemble’ is a compilation of works by Hong Kong artists that utilise samples as the themes, creative processes or forms. ‘ensemble’ is an attempt to dissect and expand the meaning of collection, examine the role and functions of curation in an exhibition and its relations with artistic creation.
The ‘samples’ in the eight works in ‘ensemble’ were ‘collected’ by mixing together diverse purposes and methods: some are specific and clear like academic research, some are tangible like collecting and categorising in everyday lives, some have evolved out of interests, curiosities, emotions and desires – some can be related to all of the above. Artists utilise existing samples as their creative materials, they build up the samples through the creative process, they form their artistic concepts through the building of archives, or they borrow the format of an archive to display their works. At this point, the job of an artist is to document, filter, select, catagorise, organise and generalise…similar to researchers and archivists. ‘Archiving’, however, is not the main purpose; the artists in ‘ensemble’ realise their creative visions through processing, arranging and displaying their ‘samples’. The samples themselves are as important as the process of collecting them.
The title ‘ensemble’ implies assembling: each piece brings together those from the same category, while ‘ensemble’ itself brings together this type of work. Consequently, ‘ensemble’ can be considered an ‘archive’ compiled from a wide variety of ‘samples’. An exhibition itself is often a process of collecting samples and archiving: by selecting works with a preset method, an exhibition depicts the connection between different works, and subsequently establishing its central ideas. In addition to documenting contemporary Hong Kong (art), what else can it be?
The exhibition itself as well as the works selected for the exhibition are both related to the commonality of “samples”, highlighting the differences as well as similarities between creating art and curating an exhibition. Can this exhibition be called an artistic creation? If not, what is missing? What is superfluous? If it can be called creativity, then is the exhibition on the whole the piece? Can each piece in ensemble be considered a ‘curated exhibition’?
Within ‘ensemble’, the only distinction between the curator and the artists is perhaps one of position and work involved. The pursuits by the two are the same.
‘ensemble’ is the winning proposal of the 3rd VT Open Call.
(圖片:非常廟藝文空間 Photos: VT Art Salon)
評論 (ARTWALKS 陳韋鑑) Review (ARTALKS Chen Wei-chien)
主辦 Presented by:
非常廟藝文空間 VT Art Salon
贊助單位 Sponsor:
中華民國文化部 Ministry of Culture, Republic of China (Taiwan)
臺北市政府文化局 Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government
展覽資助 Exhibition sponsored by:
香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council
香港民政事務署 Hong Kong Home Affairs Bureau
藝術家 Artists:
文美桃 Man Mei To
莫頌靈 Jolene Mok
黃進曦 Stephen Wong Chun Hei
鄧國騫 Tang Kwok Hin
人人檔案 Archive of the People
動動像 Moving Moving Image
句點藝術群體 Floating Projects Collective
聲音圖書館 THE LIBRARY by soundpocket
平面設計 Visual design:
馬詠瑜Fay Yu
曾慧怡Tsang Wai Yi
中文編輯 Chinese editing:
葉啟俊 Yip Kai Chun
英文翻譯、編輯 English translation & editing:
施文慧 Sheryl Sze
杜蘊思 Vinci To Wan See
展覽佈置 Exhibition setup:
李宜庭 Elly Lee
展覽紀錄 Exhibition documentation:
趙綺鈴 Chiu Yee Ling
非常廟藝文空間 VT Art Salon