山旯旮OK客語音樂合輯已於2020年12月推出!合輯定價港幣120圓或新台幣450圓 ,如欲購買或查詢,請與我聯絡 : )
Hakkaoke Music Compilation is out in December 2020! The Compilation is HKD120/NTD450. For purchase or enquiry, please contact me : )
合輯精華 Snippet
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音樂合輯 Music Compilation:
二零二零年十二月發行|Released in December 2020
展覽 Exhibition:
二零一八年三月十一日至八月十二日,邂逅!山川人,川龍村,香港|11 March – 12 August 2018, Hi! Hill, Chuen Lung Village, Hong Kong
A Karaoke with Hakkanese songs sung by villagers
卡拉OK裝置 Karaoke installation
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Background and Installation
‘Hakkaoke’ is a karaoke installation that includes Hakkanese songs performed by villagers of Chuen Lung Village, Hong Kong. Other than a few Hakkanese folk songs, there are also famous Cantonese or Mandarin songs and adapted into Hakkanese. Audience can choose and play the songs, pick up the microphones, sing with the villagers, and learn Hakkanese.
Other than the lyrics (in Chinese or English), the Hakkanese pronunciation is transliterated with the three common languages in Hong Kong: Cantonese, English and Putonghua pinyin, so as to encourage local audience to follow and sing.
Chuen Lung is a Hakka village but faces the loss of Hakkanese. The youngest villager that could speak Hakkanese is over 40 years old. The vast majority of the younger villagers does not speak or understand Hakkanese, nor do they have the interest and motivation to learn. The villagers seem to accept that Hakkanese would eventually disappear in the village. Chuen Lung’s situation reflects that of Hong Kong. It is common for Hong Kongers whose parents are Hakka not to understand Hakkanese. In fact, Hakkanese is an indigenous language in Hong Kong.
In the few-month residency, it seems to me quite a lot of villagers like singing. On another note, there are very few Hakkanese songs in Hong Kong. So, I came up the idea of inviting villagers of different ages to sing in Hakkanese. While some of the songs have been known by the villagers, a few are newly created for the project. Other than Hakkanese folk songs that have separated from everyday life, there is a song adapted from a popular Mandarin song ‘Childhood’ by the then-teenager villagers, describing the everyday life of the village 30 years ago. Another song is composed with a child counting one to ten in Hakkanese.
‘Hakkaoke’ stands right outside of the village office at the entrance of Chuen Lung Village. Villagers and visitors can listen to or sing the songs. Other than learning Hakkanese, villagers could discover the lesser-known sides of the folks they have known for years, and visitors could know more about life and stories in the village. The installation connects among the villagers and between the villagers and outsiders.
During the exhibition period, there are different activities happening around the installation every month, from inviting villagers to sing to playing Hakka card games.
Music Compilation
I decided to publish a music compilation to document and disseminate the songs of the installation and maintain the relationship with the village. Together with producer Liv Tsim and Hakkanese consultant Cheung Kai-chung, we conducted workshops in Chuen Lung to learn Hakkanese with the villagers, and produced new recordings along the way. Also, we invited two villagers to create Hakkanese songs together, which resulted in two original Hakkanese songs. The music compilation was published in December 2020, comprising 21 songs with a map and anecdotes of the songs and the village. It is priced at HKD120 each and sold in Hong Kong and Taipei.
<阿婆賣鹹菜>是首客家山歌,由村民Elsa演譯,史嘉茵作曲及錄音。’Granny Sells Pickles’ is a Hakkanese folk song. It is performed by villager Elsa, and composed and recorded by Sze Ka-yan.
<123321>將<數字歌>以客家話諗出,再編曲成歌。歌曲由村民AdenDum演繹,史嘉茵作曲及錄音。’123321′ recites the lyrics of ‘Number Song’ in Hakkanese and recomposes a new melody. The song is sung by villager AdenDum, and composed and recorded by Sze Ka-yan.
畫面以粵語、英語及普通話拼音標示客家話讀音 Transliteration of Hakkanese with Cantonese, English and Putonghua pinyin
媒體報導 Media coverage (selected):
主辦 Presented by:
康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department
籌劃 Organised by:
藝術推廣辦事處 Art Promotion Office
在地藝術策劃伙伴 Curatorial Partner (art in-situ):
創不同協作 Make A Difference Institute
川龍村民及友好(演出) Chuen Lung villagers and friends (performance):
國威司理 、輝村長、 張東生、姑婆、阿羅、Elsa、達叔、AidenDum、AidenDum爸爸、Adi、邱太、美蘭
Kwok-wai si lei, Fai chuen cheung, Cheung Dong-sang, Gu Po, Ah Law, Elsa, Uncle Tat, AdenDum, AdenDum papa, Adi, Mrs Yau, Mei-lan
川龍村民及友好(改編或原作歌詞)Chuen Lung villagers and friends (lyrics):
阿羅、達叔、邱太、美蘭 Tsang Hon-fai, Chuen Lung gang, Ah Law, Uncle Tat, Mrs Yau, Mei-lan
音樂製作 / 錄音 Composition / recording:
史嘉茵 Sze Ka-yan
客語填詞 Hakkanese lyrics:
張啟聰 Cheung Kai-chung
葉惠龍 Ip Wai-lung
客語指導 Hakkanese consultation:
張啟聰 Cheung Kai-chung
客語翻譯 Hakkanese translation:
葉惠龍 Ip Wai-lung
英文翻譯 English translation:
陳蕾 Yoyo Chan
張慧婷 Stephanie Cheung
施文慧 Sheryl Sze
電視櫃製作 / 技術支援 Shelf fabrication and technical consultation:
張穎欣 Rivian Cheung Wing-yan
製作協助 Production assistance:
許穎雯 Christy Hui
許曉昕 Queenie Hui
蘇靜怡 So Ching-yee
錄像紀錄 Video documentation:
范皓文 Homan Fan
鳴謝 Special thanks:
仁哥、吉叔、李香蘭、肥妹婆婆、萍姐、翟偉良 、劉德城、檬叔、所有川龍村村民及友好
Uncle Yan, Uncle Gut, Rainbow Leung, Fei Mui po po, Sister Ping, Chak Wai-leung, Lau Tak-shing, Uncle Mung, all residents and friends in Chuen Lung