活動 Event:
二零二一年三月廿六至廿八日,坪洲、梅窩、芝麻灣及長洲,香港|26-28 March 2021, Peng Chau, Mui Wo, Chi Ma Wan & Cheung Chau, Hong Kong
A three-day festival on Hong Kong’s island life at the four outposts of the inter-island ferry
(與Myriem Alnet和陳俊傑合作 In collaboration with Myriem Alnet & Chan Chun-kit)
船到橋頭生活節海報 | Inter-island Festival poster
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The Inter-island Festival will take place on Peng Chau, Cheung Chau, as well as Chi Ma Wan and Mui Wo on Lantau Island for 3 days. The Festival has invited collaborators from different islands and beyond to organise a wide range of activities that will bring to light the rich and peculiar cultures of the islands.
Background & Objectives
Sailing along Peng Chau, Mui Wo, Chi Ma Wan and Cheung Chau, the inter-island ferry line operated by First Ferry is little-known by the public. The Festival sees the ferry as a thread; by connecting these four ports, it brings the landscapes, urban cultures, art and traditions of the islands to the public eyes. While the ferry ride provides a soothing pause along the stunning sea view, passengers are softly reminded of the future of our islands.
In recent years, to solve land and housing shortage in Hong Kong, the government proposes the reclamation of a 1,700-hectare artificial island near these islands, and a grant for investigation has been passed in December 2020. Other than the necessity of the plan and the incredibly huge cost of HKD6,240 billion, the plan will indefinitely devastate these islands and their nature and people. Hence, appreciating the value of these islands and connecting the people on the islands and beyond are of critical importance and the reasons of organising the Festival.
Forty groups of farmers, environmentalists, craftspeople, musicians, artists and others, mainly from the islands, will present their own interpretation of the islands’ character at one or several of the four locations.
In total, the 3-day Festival offers nearly 50 activities that are diverse in terms of format, theme or audience: participants will be invited to explore the islands’ landscape, public space culture and crafts through open-houses, tours, performances, installations, workshops, swap-markets… People will have the possibility to ‘mix and match’ activities according to their interest and schedule and, hopefully, catch the ferry to join the selected activities on different islands.
To expand the imagination on the islands and enhance the Festival’s diversity, the Festival has launched an open call for proposal in April to May 2020, which has received 56 responses and 10 were selected. Besides, to cover the expenses, the Festival has launched a crowdfunding campaign in October to November 2020, and raised HKD30,630. In addition, the Festival has raised fund locally on the four outposts. Other than the HKD8,000 raised, the local fundraising aimed to introduce the Festival to the community and get their endorsement.
連接坪洲、梅窩、芝麻灣和長洲的橫水渡 | The Inter-island ferry that connects Peng Chau, Mui Wo, Chi Ma Wan & Cheung Chau
四個離島地區的地圖(圖為生活節小冊子)|Map of the four outposts (image from the Festival’s brochure)
裝置<坪洲開枱>(坪洲),布朱朱|Installation ‘Connecting Table’ by Géraldine Borio, Peng Chau
活動 <大自然之日>(梅窩),Ark Eden|Activity ‘Nature Day’ by Ark Eden, Mui Wo
工作坊<講吓「水話」、齊來吧!>(長洲),Tiff Chan和Sarah Yip(浪長洲)|Workshop ‘Come speak some local Water Dialect!’ by Tiff Chan & Sarah Yip, Cheung Chau Wave, Cheung Chau
音樂表演<長洲山頂黃昏涼亭音樂會>(長洲),冰藝雲、Tomii Chan、Nick Florent、Nelson Hiu、Roy Stark、Hoy Tunes、 Mary Jane and the Gang|Music Performance ‘The Poet’s Pavilion at Twilight’ by Evan Binkley, Tomii Chan, Nick Florent, Nelson Hiu, Roy Stark, Hoy Tunes, Mary Jane and the Gang, Cheung Chau
裝置/工作坊<芝麻開門>(芝麻灣),貓珊|Installation/workshop ‘Open Sesame, Maoshan, Chi Ma Wan
船到橋頭生活節宣傳片|Promotion video of Inter-island Festival
計劃網頁 Project website: https://interislandfestival.live
計劃社交媒體 Social media pages: Facebook / Instagram
計劃眾籌網頁 Crowdfunding page: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/inter-island-festival#/
媒體報導 Media Coverage:
蘋果日報 Apple Daily (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) / 信報 Hong Kong Economic Journal / 立場新聞 Stand News (1) (2) / 知埞 AndThen.HK / 香港電台 Radio Television Hong Kong策劃 Organisers:
Myriem Alnet
陳俊傑 Chan Chun-kit
葉啟俊 Yip Kai-chun統籌(長洲)Correspondent (Cheung Chau):
黎穎欣 Vanessa Lai Wing-yan統籌(梅窩) Correspondents (Mui Wo):
陳希雯 Chan Hei-man
吳若琪 Kay Ng美術指導、網頁設計 Art direction & web design:
Studio Orbit小冊子、標示設計 Pamphlet & signage design:
4res撰稿、編輯 Content Writer & Editor:
施揚 Adrian Si資助 Supported by:
香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council
信言設計大使 Design Trust
伍集成文化教育基金 C.C. WU CULTURAL & EDUCATION FOUNDATION FUND本地資助 Local Supports:
島人源 Island Origin
銀鑛灣渡假酒店 Silvermine Beach Resort
Pause Cafe
甜蜜蜜 Tim Mud Mud
寶記凍肉公司 Po Kee Frozen Foods食品贊助 F&B Sponsors:
Southside Lantau
Gradient Brewery
祺森冰室 Kei Sum Cafe
Happy Cow鳴謝 Special thanks:
新渡輪 First Ferry
港九小輪 Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry